Hotel The Aodhi (Kumbhalgarh)


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Hotel Overview

"Hidden by trees, besides the hills crowned by the ruggedly majestic Kumbhalgarh Fort, nestles The Aodhi, a sanctuary-resort where the legacy of valorous kings of Mewar and their braves still lives. The deluxe suites and rooms here recreate delightful themes of jungle lore. Discover countless secrets of the centuries past while you explore nature trails, forts and temples. Or simply relax in the privacy of your balcony, gazing into the amazingly blue skies. Let Kumbhalgarh overwhelm you. “Koombhomer was impregnable to a native army”, wrote Col James Todd. Rana Kumbha, the builder extraordinaire, is credited with building thirty-two of the eighty–four fortresses that formed bull work of defense of the Kingdom of Mewar, constantly on its guard against the Mughal Armies. Rana Kumbha ruled the Kingdom of Mewar for thirty-five long and eventful years (reign 1433 – 1468 AD). The towering gate of Kumbhalgarh has been a mute witness to a valorous past drive through these huge gates today and you enter a world made only for hardened warriors and chiefs. The steep incline and the huge steps of stone, the fort was home to men who lived by the sword…and died on the battlefield, upholding the honor and pride of Mewar."

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Hotel The Aodhi Facilities

  • Well Decorated Air Conditioned Rooms
  • Running Hot and Cold Water
  • 24 Hours Room Service
  • Swimming Pool
  • Restaurant
  • Same Day Laundry Service
  • Internet Service

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